Wednesday 11 January 2012


The most exciting evening ever! I did a back tuck on my own! :D (it's just a gymnasticy term for backflip for those of you that weren't sure) but it's the first time I've done it alone, unsupported.... without even being shadowed :) Oh my... I really am struggling to write this through my excitement! I forgot to take my video camera along to film it though :( maybe next week eh? :D

On a more boring note... I have my last exam tomorrow.. Yaya! I am sort of excited, as I'd like to get it over with, but at the same time nervous, as some silly bean chose to go to gymnastics tonight instead of revising! (but for the life of me - I can't think who that might be! :P) My business studies exam today went quite well... it feels like forever ago now! I just ran out of time a little bit on the last question and so didn't answer it as well as I'd liked to have done, but oh well, not much I can do now :)

I am really enjoying this stressless exam period, I've never had it before but I'm certain that I like it! College seems to have a much more positive outlook on exams, all of my tutors persistently tell us how confident they are and how we are all very clever... whereas at my last school I had a much more negative experience with the E word being THE most important things we will EVER do! and we MUST pass, as re - takes are AWFUL... yada yada yada, the list goes on! I love the colleges can-do attitude and how they tell us all those little tips and tricks to pass... rather than just teach us a whole other chapter we don't need in the hope that the examiner will think we know what we are talking about.... -.-

Anyway... I don't want to end on exams because....... I CAN DO A BACK TUCK!!!! :D


  1. Congratulations on your back tuck success, sometimes it's better not to revise the night before an exam, you'll enter the exam room much more refreshed :)
    Good Luck
    Sue Xxx
