Friday 6 January 2012

Lesson learnt

Last night I got an e-mail saying that the womens artistic coaching course (gymnastics)  I had applied for was fully subscribed, I was so sure I'd got in, in fact so sure that I was basing a lot of my ideas of future careers on that course! So today's lesson is not to start planning or getting your hopes up for things before you are absolutely certain that they are going ahead... So today's mission is to convince the head coach of the branch I volunteer at to put me on another one :-p although that probably won't be until the Autumn... but oh well eh? Gives me a chance to focus on other things for now......
      Like that revision..... 
 I was actually quite productive and managed to complete two posters full of sociologists and what they said etc etc etc..... not very exciting is it? But it is a huge acheivement considering I had this gorgeous girly trying to distract me...
                                                          .....and make me play games :-p

'p p p please play with me syan'
'I know that this is a better offer than revision and you know it too...'
'ooohhh, have I tempted you enough yet?'
'Yaaayyyyy, I knew I'd bring you round in the end'

So that's what I've been doing all day... a little bit of revision, lots of playing with the dog and just a little bit of purely procrastinational knitting...
I love knitting, it's so relaxing, and of course, helps me to do just that little bit less revision :p I will learn of course... when I get my exam results back; that the dog and knitting just don't help things  to stay in my brain!

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