Saturday 7 January 2012

Oh what a lovely evening.....

Well... where to begin, tonight I went to a lovely (extremely late) Christmas party :) It was for the performing arts group that I go to where I learn circus skills and dance. We purposely have it very late because there is always such a lot going on in December. I did bake cakes to take along... however by the time I woke up this morning I didn't have time to decorate them all so took along some shop bought ones... bad me! Here's what I would have taken along...

Cake gymnastics! :D
Extremely time-consuming decorating!

But of course busy me had lots of other things to do..... like wrapping up the secret santa gift that I bought for a special young lady :)
I do love a bit of wrapping ;)
The party was absolutely lovely and I saw friends there that I hadn't seen for such a long time (one of them is at uni) and I saw Sue from crafts@home there too! ..... I also recieved my certificate, a card and some lovely earings for passing my bronze arts award! :D
How exciting! :D
The secret santa gift I recieved was absolutely beautiful and here is a photo of me wearing it!
Sparkles and feathers!
Sally bought me a present too... oh I am spoilt! It was this gorgeous little necklace (sorry about the flash).
magically made by a glass artist!
Towards the end of the night I was also offered a cleaning job... which absolutely made my day as I've been looking for work for so long now with no luck..... but I think this one will be excellent and I can't wait to start! Oh also... I may have sorted out a coaching course in Derby too ;) just waiting to hear about it all, hopefully the council will do something good for once and give me a grant so that I can definitely do it! Anyway, I must be off as I also have a busy day tomorrow as I am face-painting at a little boys adoption party! :D


  1. Looks like a good evening Syan :) Fab blog by the way, must remember to show Kit :) X

  2. Thankyou Laura, it's been such a long time since I've spoken to either of you... how are you both getting on? x
