Thursday 5 January 2012

A little bit about me.

Where do I begin? My name is Syan :-) that feels like a nice, friendly start now doesn't it? I thought that after all these years of reading other peoples blog's it was about time I started my own!
I thought I'd start it as it's the start of a new year... the year of the olympics! Not that anybody seems to care! It's also a year I know I'm never going to forget, possibly because I've made some huge desicions, some good, some bad, some I don't yet know the outcome of... but my resolution this year... as the title of my blog suggests, is to 'learn on my feet'. I had thought, back in September, that I had my life mapped out; go to college, then uni, become a midwife, get married, buy a house, have kids.... the list goes on (don't they all!) but it turns out that life can't have blueprints, some bugger could have told me before now!  So this year, I'm going to attempt to take things in my stride, follow my heart, and hope to god that I don't end up in the gutter..... One thing my heart is telling me to do is to quit my A-levels and get stuck into something I'm passionate about, and actually want to pursue and get stuck in to, but here comes my first slip up.... my head is telling me no and at the moment I'm listening to that! So hopefully, despite me already contradicting what I promised myself I'd do, going to college and getting three AS-levels in subjects that don't feel like they have any input in the direction of my life will assist me in learning on my feet! :-p


  1. Hi Syan :) Let me be the 1st to follow you :)
    I'm sure whatever you choose, you will do well at :)
    Hopefully see you tomorrow night.
    Sue Xxx

  2. Thank you Sue :) it was nice to see you at the party x
